"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Arum lily takes shape after a long time


Hello all . Hope you all are keeping well and creating  Well time has run away without my realising it. Things have been happening this end which has taken most of my time. I managed to complete this doll after a long time. It was in the back burner since 2020. I still have a tiny bit of tweaking to do. I call her Arum because her skirt is in a shape of  Arum lily . I used all the felt pieces that I had made in an online class during the Covid period from A for artistic .  Hope you like her if you are reading this. I don’t expect anyone is though as it has been a long time since I have posted

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Adorable book end

 I was looking for a book end found this adorable book end. Isn’t he cute. Now I can organise my book. It is taking ages to organise my stuff after the move. I don’t know when I will be able to get everything sorted

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Very Merry Christmas and God bless

 Dear all, just stopping by to say hello. Hope all your dreams come true this Christmas. Just sharing with you a delightful Christmas time message. Have a wonderful blessed Christmas whereeveryou may be. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Christmas angel done

My Christmas angel done at last in a flurry. All because I am finally moving yeah. I might colour the flowers so that they match the colour scheme of the doll. Once I am settled I will do that. This was a doll from Sherry Goshan’s class. I had a hard time making her smile. She is too serious for an angel😄. I will have to see what I can do later. Think I might lost touch a bit with my face painting.   Her skirt is made out of two plastic wine glasses. Rest of the body is made from paper clay and her hair is tassels .


Friday, December 08, 2023

Just working on my Christmas doll. It is going very slow but that’s life. It gets in the way. 


Friday, November 17, 2023

Christmas angel

 I have always tried to make one doll every year for Christmas. So this year even though all my stuff is packed away I did not want to miss making one. Sherry Goshan had a class for an angel which did not require much sewing so I decided to take this class. Still some way to go but its slowly taking shape.

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

That time of the year coming up

 December is marching on us rapidly and we are coming to that time of the year when everyone starts gearing up for festivities. Our doll club has a get together every year. We bring finger food and have some fun time together. We are going to have our secrete santa again this year. This is what I am making. Its a pin cushion.  She is not complete yet but thought would share. I will complete this when I get home

Sunday, September 24, 2023


After a long time after Covid, we decided to go to this charming little city. We were not disappointed. Like many Italian towns it feels so vibrant. Bologna has the oldest university in the world and the only city in the world where the professors are given the highest honour even more than a national leader or a hero. 

What a change it makes after I come across so much of oohing and aahing over a political leader as though they are Gods. 

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Removing fb friends

 Today I was going through the friends list on my fb account.  I do this from time to time just to make sure there is no one there who is not supposed to be there. As I went through the list I found several friends whom I had to remove. It was so sad. These were friends who had passed. As I removed the names I felt a pang in my heart remembering them and how and where I had met them and had some lovey time together. It is a very sad feeling when you realise that they have gone away forever.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Not much happening here

 I thought I would be in my new home by now but unfortunately that has not happened yet. It will probably be in September now. So my crafting is not happening. Thank goodness I have my piano with me otherwise  I honestly would have gone a bit mad. Now I drive my husband and my piano teacher mad😂. My piano teacher has great faith in me and says I will be playing in concerts in 20 years time. So I told him he is too optimistic because I probably will be pushing daisies in 20 years time😂😂