"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Arum lily takes shape after a long time


Hello all . Hope you all are keeping well and creating  Well time has run away without my realising it. Things have been happening this end which has taken most of my time. I managed to complete this doll after a long time. It was in the back burner since 2020. I still have a tiny bit of tweaking to do. I call her Arum because her skirt is in a shape of  Arum lily . I used all the felt pieces that I had made in an online class during the Covid period from A for artistic .  Hope you like her if you are reading this. I don’t expect anyone is though as it has been a long time since I have posted


  1. I enlaged the photo and the details of the skirt are so pretty. I really like this and good to see you creating. I hope things have settled down in whatever way they will or have. Good to see you on here again. I've not been blogging much at all lately. It's weird since my sister passed in dec 2022 i realized she was always my motivation/inspiration - to make her smile while she was dealing with her husband with Alzheimers.

    1. Hi Sandy thank you very much for your kind comments. Hope you will find the motivation and inspiration slowly to get back into creating. Creating also helps in healing. It is not easy when you loose your loved ones.

    2. thanks Shashi ...It's definitely getting easier - i have such good memories.


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