"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hard of hearing!!

It has been a while since I posted. My doll refused to move forward so I left her alone for a while till she got over her tantrum. Now she is taking shape but I don't want to show her yet till she is done. However while she was having a tantrum I started the Charmed One in Sherry's class. I nearly had a disaster with this one. He jumped out of my hand while I was glueing him down and you can imagine I had glue all over the carpet, my skirt and well where I shouldn't have been working, my chest of drawers. Anyway I managed to get all that cleaned. Don't look too closely at his ears he has a hearing aid. I forgot to sew the ears on before painting so they were sort of sticking out, not that the hearing aid helped but it looks much better LOL!.


  1. I am glad to hear I am not the only one who gets glue all over the place and has dolls that just refuse to co-operate. But I am sure you will coax that doll into being sooner or later.

  2. LOL... I still have dried Paverpol around my bathroom sink. I was working on the counter in there thinking it would be easier to clean up, but I guess I missed a few spots. So it goes in the art biz. Your Charmed One is coming along nicely. What a clever way of displaying charms.


  3. Reassuring to know I'm not the only one who makes a mess! Looking forward to seeing the final result.

  4. ... and I have ruined a bathroom sink by using it with paints and dyes ... I'm glad that I'm not the only one with big elf ears for the charmed doll! Love the hearing aids! Cute!

  5. je vois que ce n'est pas toujours facile !!!!! pffffff
    tu es douée , tu y arrives toujours ! ^_^

  6. This is such a cute pattern, and yours is coming along very nicely, Shashi! I can sympatnize with your glue disaster, I seem to get it everywhere when I'm working....glue and glitter, too!!

  7. Oh me too Shashi! I have those type of things happen all the time, fortunately I have a work space that can't be damaged much by it!

  8. I think he has great ears!!! I'm always making a mess - dropping paint, or pins, or whatever else shouldn't be dropped....

  9. I can't tell you how many times I just had to use the spray glue for something and didn't want to go outside. There are a few spots on the carpet in the studio which are questionable now. That stuff gets all over the place! Oh, and forget about having nice looking nails when doing it too. The charmed one looks like he's coming along nicely. :-)

  10. Oh dear... you are meant to keep the glue in safe places Sashi...lol but I know what you mean.. I have little accidents all the time and I don't make anything as complicated as your wonderful dolls. I just LOVE the ears on this one... too cute... can't wait to see him finished. :)

  11. I have nominated you for a Rockin' Blogger Girl award... pop by and pick up your badge :)


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