"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Friday, February 19, 2021

Loosing my marbles?

 Its almost end of February! I thought I had posted in the new year but I just can’t remember. Maybe I did not post or has something eaten up my post😀?

Well I hope you all have been keeping well and safe. Have you all had your vaccines yet. I have had my first dose. All is good. If not hope you get it soon. 

I have not done much of craft work lately. I have intended to but either I could not find my pattern or when I found my pattern i did not have the right fabric. When i got the right fabric my pattern did the disappearing act. Then when i did manage to find it again and made a start i did not like the body fabric colour. So you see the end result is I have nothing to show. 

The other day I found this head which I had discarded because at that time I did not like it very much. Now when I look at it I think I can use it with a little bit of alteration. I am hoping I can get it right this time. 

This is the head at present. If you can add any constructive criticism I will be delighted to have them


  1. I'm way behind visiting blogs ...good to see you starting another doll. I'll be back to see how it's going.

    1. I am still tweeking the head Sandy. Hope I don’t spoil it

  2. hey Shashi.... today I signed in to a blog to leave a comment...and, lo and behold@@! it recognized me as BumbleVee...so ..I had a look around. And, here I am.
    This looks like paper clay ... it's nice to work with isn't it? Pretty forgiving.. you can add and subtract. And, it looks sooooo smooth after you sand it. I love the feel of it after I sanded the last head I was working on....where is that head now I wonder?..hahahah....yeh... who knows...
    I had my first dose of the vaccine... all went well. Second dose April 12 ...
    happy to be here to say hi.....

    1. Oh so happy to see your comment. I am glad that your are recognised now😀 yes paper clay is nice to work with but I am not very good with it.


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