"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First watercolour assignment

I have just joined a class for water colouring. These are my first ever attempt at water colouring still life. We were given assignments to paint orange, grapes and figs. Now if the above look even remotely anything like the fruits I will be happy. Do they?


  1. yes,they do, I really like the grapes. the difference in thr green color. nice

  2. YES, they do! You've done a marvelous job of letting the paint do it's thing, especially on the orange on the left. As much as I love watercolor, I still try to control them like acrylics half the time and then I end up with mud. This is your FIRST time??? Sigh... you're a natural.


  3. You are going to be a great painter! You are doing so well -better than I did when I tried this!

  4. They do indeed!! and they are quite nice.
    you did very well! Such talented you are!

  5. I took a class last year and was so ashamed at how BADLY I did, I never even TOLD anyone other than Judi A. I was taking it. YOU, however, are amazing! I want to reach right in and EAT that FIG! Shashi, you will be doing masterpieces in VERY short order!

  6. Coucou Shashi!
    Tes peintures sont très jolies! Bravo!
    Ma Pullip est arrivée! elle est trop belle!

  7. oh indeed they do Shashi especially the painting of the orange on the top left of your post. It seems there is no limits to your talents. They are beautiful :)

  8. Oh my, you are doing wonderful! Is this a local class you are taking? Looks like you are going to be a talented painter in addition to being a gifted fabric artist!

  9. hi Shashi !!!
    you are lucky Shashi , i don't know how to paint !!!! :-(
    you will certainly be a very good painter
    kiss from France !
    sorry for my english !!!

  10. Looks like a great start, I agaree you are probably a natural!!
    Also thanks for the concern on my where abouts, I am fine but will be lurking for a probably another week or so. Can't wait to see your ext paintings!!

  11. Good on you for taking the class!! They look great!!!!

  12. Wow Shashi,
    I wonder what the water color class will add to your doll making! Isn't it fun to take classes?



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