"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Going away

Just to let you all know that I will be away for a week. Just incase you all start wondering if I had dropped off from the face of the earth. See you soon.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What I did yesterday

These are going out as gifts. I altered the covers of the note pads. I hope the recipients of this will like them.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Meeting with Mimi

On Friday I had the great pleasure of meeting up with Mimi who was here on a short trip. It is always so nice to meet up with people whose blogs you have been reading. We spent a pleasant 2 hrs in each others company. Actually I wish we had more time. I really don't know where time goes when we meet up with lovely people. Mimi also gave me this lovely ATC as a gift and she also brought and showed her beautiful dolls which she was making. I was so lucky to be able to see them. I as usual forgot to take my camera @~*".

Saturday, February 23, 2008

What's in that box?

I go to this corner of my clutter so often and I don't see it. I had even forgotton about it. Today for some reason my eyes alight on it and I start wondering what could be in it. I wonder why today of all days my eyes look at it. Must be because I have been reading Judi's blog just now and my subconsious mind reminds me of it. I have to find out. It can't be a bottles of Chardonnay as none of us are much of a wine drinkers. Yes I am talking about this box.
I bring it out of the clutter gingerly and open it. That is begining to look promising.
Ofcourse it is this!! It is a long time since I looked at it. Yes I used to look at it often when I got it I even got round to making up the body and then stopped. Why you might ask. Mainly I started making my own and secondly I didn't have a clue how to attach the hands and the torso to the shoulders. I should have tried to find out since I paid a lot of money for this kit. But.... well that is another story.
She will be a beautiful doll if she is put together. I love the painting and the face.
I am so scared that I will spoil her that she is once again gently put back into her little box.
I hope it won't be another 10 years before I open her up LOL! Yes she saw daylight again after 10 years. Now I better go and find out if someone will help me with her.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yesterday and this morning

Yesterday one of my favourite groups irrupted into a rumpus. There was lots of arging and barging which left me very sad. The term "copying" raises its ugly head every so often and leaves saddened souls in its wake. This morning I woke up feeling rather sad and down, when I heard an ad on the radio. The ad started off something like this "copying is the greatest compliment that someone can pay you" Then it went off at a tangent. Now I know I have heard that ad several times but this morning just that phrase took a new meaning and I thought yes WOW! isn't that just so true. People copy others because they think that is beautiful and they don't have the imagination or the creativity to do it on their own. Well it had to take a silly ad to put the sunshine back where it should be. Yes the sun is shining and the weather seems beautiful outside and its a good day to be creative. Which reminds me to tell you all I am creating something but can't show you unfortunately as it is for a challenge but you can see the mess I am making LOL! You can see I am having trouble with something simple as a leg. I have made several of these. Either the legs are too long or the feet become too long or the legs are too thin well you name it I am drawing all kinds of legs at the moment lol! But now I have decided that a leg is a leg is a leg and settled on one.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I Love You This Much

Colleen the very talented doll artist from UK has given me this award. Thank you so much Colleen it has given me a warm and fuzzy feeling too. I hope it will give a warm a fuzzy feeling to the people I pass it on. There are so many but impossilbe to name all of them here.The few that I would like to name are.. Isabelle Who sews beautiful dresses and also is a very accomplished stitcher and a dear friend. Linda A very talented mixed media artist Sherry A prolific dollmaker who never ceases to amaze me with her creations. Nicola whose cards are to die for. Sandra Everton Who turns even jars into works of art and has a wonderful blog. Dianne who is an awesome textile artist Jacque whose dolls are gorgeous and makes beautiful ATDs. I am tickled that she named one of them with my name. 1. If you get tagged (and want to play along), write a post with links to blogs that you love. Obviously, if you've already been tagged by someone, you won't need to repeat the process. 2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pay it Forward

I decided to join in the fun in Connies blog. So hope you will join in the fun in mine Come join in the fun and make the world a happier place.So this is how it goes...It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange.It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on.So here’s how it works:I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this Pay It Forward exchange. I will email each person for their mailing addresses.What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog to 3 different people. Unfortunately this is only possible for those of who have a blog. So come on.....and see who wants to pay it forward. :)

Monday, February 04, 2008


As I have been telling you all I am at a creative block so I decided that I should do something, anything to get rid of this frustration of not being able to start projects let alone finish them. So found myself thinking that if I make a world map I can proudly say that my dollmaking and blogging friends come from almost every corner of the world. I started putting shapes of countries by just tearing out paper. All the shapes and countries are nowhere near like a real map but it just gives a sense of the countries which is good enough I thought. Then I added all the little faces representing a few countries. Forgive me it I left out any country as there is no way I could actually get every country on this map but those I missed out you are still amongst my dear dollmaking and blogging friends. After I put the general shapes in, I let loose myself. I added anything and everything to the map that I could lay hands on and this is the result I got. I know it is not a master piece or even for that matter very pretty but I loved making it and just messing around with everything. I really don't know what I should name this. I thought about "bound with a common thread" but that is too stale. So I will just say " this one is for you my friends".