"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Monday, November 03, 2008

Creating after celebrating

After a weekend of being cossetted, pampered and fed delicious food until I couldn't take it anymore by my nieces, nephew and hubby lol! It did put me in a creative mood after my big day. So this is what I am doing for the base of my doll. It is just a close up to show you the texture of the base


  1. WOW that must've taken a long time Shashi but it is amazing... all that beautiful texture!! As always I can't wait to see the finished creation :D
    Chris xx

  2. Very interesting base, you have my attention!! Did I miss you birthday somehow,I must have because your cards say happy birthday, so happy belated birthday Shashi!!

  3. Wow - that looks amazing...please show us more very soon!
    Linda xxxx

  4. Sashi I look forward to seeing the doll finished be shure to show us :)
    I love all the texture and intrest you have achived .
    Love from sesga xxx

  5. Oh my, this base looks so interesting! I'm looking forward to seeing this doll develop.

    So glad your family properly pampered and spoiled you on your birthday, but then they should do so every day because you are such a sweetheart ;)


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