"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Barbara has posted a completion for designing your own Wellies.  Just pop into her Blog and click on the link it is rather fun and if you are lucky you will win some goodies and your design will be used on the wellies. I chose to doodle with orange, green, red, yellow and black. Can you guess what I would have doodled? 😄

Colourful beetle

Today as I was walking in the garden I heard a noise as though someone threw a packet which fell with a thud. I looked behind me and this what I saw. Great big beetle. Because of his weight he could barely fly. Our caretaker who looks after the house when we are not here picked it up for me to take a picture of him before he was released. Isn't his colours amazing. I wish he had let me take better pictures before he flew away.

Monday, October 05, 2015

Whimsical pixie

Meet Mr Appleberry the mischievous pixie. He is the keeper of apples. You will find him hiding amongst the Royal Galas, the Coxes, the Pink ladies , the Granny Smiths and amongst many others. Next time you go to the market Be quick to choose the best apples and put them in your basket or else it will be whisked away from right under your noses 

This doll was inspired from a children's story book illustration. Had great fun making him.

Friday, October 02, 2015


Well the apples are done. Do they look like apples I am not too sure of that. But for some reason the song Baubles,  bangles keeps popping into my head :0)

I have not been blogging much because I seem to have some sort of pollen or dust allergy or is it just flue don't know but have been feeling aweful for the past two weeks. Now I suddenly find that time has flown away and it is time for me to go and see mum again. However I hope to finish my whimsical doll soon. So keep checking.
Hope you all are well and enjoying the little bit of summery weather that we have been having.