"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Monday, November 19, 2018

Small fairy

This fairy is rather small. Smaller things are harder to finish I find. As always, I get interrupted so couldn’t finish her as quickley as I had hoped. Have to start another one soon. Its all happening suddenly and as usual time is running away and Christmas is almost on top of us. I hope I can get it all done by next week. Well at least finish up one of them.
This lady turned out larger than I thought she would. I used a strech fabric so her legs became rather slim and long . She is about 30cm big. I have to embellish her now. I will make another one with cotton and see how big she turns out. I think her face will be a challenge to make as it will be pretty small.  If it does turn out good then I will make it into a pattern.


Monday, November 05, 2018

Ready for Christmas

At last my Santa is all done. Maybe he needs to carry a bit more pressies that is all.πŸ˜€

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Santa coat is finished

Santa’s coat is done and now onto the doll. I added the trim which doesn’t seem to photograph too well but I think it did the trick of disguising the small difference of height and it looks looks nice as well.

Friday, November 02, 2018

Coat almost done

I have been trying to finish my Santa for the past 2 years. Finally the overcoat is almost done after much wrestling with the fabric.πŸ˜„ Gosh that velvet is not easy to work with. The coat came out ok except that the back piece has become a wee bit longer. Have to put my thinking cap and see how to disguise it. I could easily use some white furry trim  to cover it but I really don’t want to use white that is my problem. I would like to use brown furry fabric or trim but I don’t have that and I really don’t want to buy anything but use what I have in my stash. If nothing works then I look forward to shopping πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Introducing Mr. Shroom and friend Twiggy

First of all I have to have a bit of a moan at blogger. I am again not able to post comments in blogs because blogger refuses to recognise me. When I come to comments it logs me out. When I  try to login it takes me to my all posts page directly, when I  try to logout from there I am unable to logout. I don’t know if I am making sense but the long and short of it is blogger is being a pain. So I am sorry I am not able to post comments or reply to your comments .
Hope it will sort out soon . Anyway moving on I managed to complete this project at last. I had a little bit of creative block. Couldn't figure out for sometime how to do the underside of Mr Shroom. It is such a simple project yet I struggled. I still have not got the face fixed as I wanted it to.
If I make this project again I will definitely do it differently to get a better look.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Trying to finish

I am trying to finish my project so while the tiny fairy shoes and hat dry I took up my old project my Santa

My santa boots are not so great. My excuse is that my santa is not rich so he does not wear designer snow bootsπŸ˜€
I think I might add some bells to his shoe laces.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


So autumn is well and truely here although it is not as cold as it is supposed to be this time of the year. We are still hitting the high teens.
I was surprised to see this azalea blooming this time of the year! I don’t recall it ever blooming in autumn. I wonder if there are varieties that bloom this time of the year or is it that it is totally confusedπŸ€”

This was a white hydrangea not sure what it is called but now it has turned into a soft pink.

I am at the moment struggling with my project as i am not able to get the look that I have in mind. I will share pictures soon but at the moment i have nothing much to show. Hopefully the third try will be better.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A little bit of this and that

Just starting a new project. Don’t know when I will finish it though. I dont know if it will all come to gether or not.

This is another project in drawing stages. Actually it has been for a long time nowπŸ˜€

Just scribbling while keeping mum company without my glasses πŸ˜€

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Some photos of Rocky Mountaineer holiday

Here are some pictures of my holiday. There was however one disappointment which i was hoping would get remedied but unfortunately it did not happen. I did not see a single Bear!☹️. That was my greatest disappointment of the otherwise a wonderful trip.
This was in Vancouver 

The steam clock in Vancouver 

The salmon hatchery in Vancouver

Were sent off right royally as we chugged away slowly in the train

You can see how hazy the mountains looked with the smoke from the forest fires.

Up in the mountains the air cleared after some rains 

Birds eye view of our hotel from the mountain top

View from the hotel window

Ice fields the Athabasca glacier

Loved this mountain with its unusual shape

Hope you enjoyed some of my pictures

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Things I could not resist

Hello everybody. How time passes by so quickly. I cannot believe that I have been away from my blog for so long! Things that have kept me away this summer has been mainly my travel and my hubby’s health issues and several visitors coming for the summer. Anyway after so many hectic months there is a brief lull. Amongst my travels this summer one of the places i visited was the Rockies in Canada. I had a brilliant time. This is one of the things i picked up there which are so delicious πŸ˜„

Like many artists I seem to have this terrible compulsion to buy art stuff if I fall in love with it. These may seem like ordinary things and nothing to get excited about for others but for me they are so exciting.πŸ˜€

Another place that I visited this summer was The Lake District. I have been there several times but I don’t seem tire of it. Of course since I was there and it is the birth place of the  wonderful children’s writer Beatrix Potter I could not resist buying this sweet little book written by her.

Then there was this wonderful free class by the artist Karen Baker on the website Curious Mondo about making adorable elves so I had to have the clay. I hope to make an elf when I get a bit more time. I have even bought a mini oven in anticipation of that. 

Now if only there were more than 24hrs in a day maybe just maybe I would be able to find time to createπŸ˜€

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Lovely Flower show

Last week I went to Chelsea flower show enjoyed it very much. The flowers were spectacular as always. Loved one stand where they had sculptures from Alice in wonderland Beatrice Potter and others. Here are some pictures as best as I could take in the crowd.


Lastly I am not really au fait with celebrity people but spotted a couple who came as the cameras were following them everywhere. One was a lady but couldn’t get a picture as she passed by quickly the other one I just clicked. Who is he ? If you know can you enlightenme please. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Frozen is finished

She is done but i am not very satisfied with her. I think because it is the pattern which was one of my first a hurriedly stitched one, so she does not stand very well. Anyway I had decided that I would make something of the stitched body parts so this is what came out. I did some beading which is not very visible because of the colour. I used a lot of tiny white beads to give an illusion of ice. Had to put her down several times because my wrists became troublesome. I am glad I am done with her.