"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way-things I had no words for." ~ Georgia O'Keeffe

Monday, August 31, 2015

Some doodling with pencils and fairy seat

I started this with inktense pencils and since I have no experience with them I decided to do several of them. I like the third one the best. The colours are a bit more transparent and light in that . The last one I did with Water colour pencils and water colour just to see if I could do it differently. Perhaps the last one would make a good greeting card :-)

This is a seat I made for my fairy named Harmony. Believe it or not it is made out of butternut gourd. Long time back I wanted to make a gourd doll but I could not do so because we do not get the hard skinned  gourds here in the UK and we cannot import anything like that due to restrictions. However I was determined to make one and not knowing that the hard skin gourds were the ideal gourds I thought I could dry any  gourd so off I marched to the market to purchase the beautifully shaped butternut. Brought one and put it up for drying. After a few week or so I checked and eek it had all gone soggy and aweful looking and splash it dropped from my butter fingers :-). However I persevered and let it dry. It did not dry the way I had anticipated instead it had gone all wrinkly and the outer skin was not as hard as I thought it would become. However I rather liked the shape of it even though I could not use it to make a doll. Thought it might come in use sometime in the future. So here at last has come the future. I was looking for an ideal seat for Harmony and decided to use the dried squash as a seat. The height was ideal and so was the shape. All it needed was some roots to surround it and some paint and wallah you have a fairy woodland seat.
As for the doll I ended up making one out of fabric in the shape of a butternut squash. I even gave out a free pattern in my old blog, here is the link if you want to see it and use the pattern. I don't know what size it will print out but you are welcome to enlarge it if you want.


  1. very nice flowers :D you did a good job with the inktense pencails

    what a neat seat, would have never thought it was a squash and never thought about the difference between them. makes sense with the restrictions tho due to seeds

    1. Thanks Jen. Yes the butternut looks very much like a gourd I think it is gourd family but the skin is not hard

  2. Dear Shashi, I looked at your pictures before reading the post today and assumed you had found some kind of treasure at an antique's market. How amazing is that fairy seat? You are one very talented lady!
    I like the third picture too but my favourite is the watercolour one, and yes it would make a lovely card. Hugs Barbara

  3. Thank you Barbara I wish I was so lucky to find something amazing in an antiques market but thanks for the kudos.

  4. did I lose that ultra long post? ... yikes!

  5. Hiya Shashi... cute chair....

    I was yammering on about chairs I have made of paper clay and then of Apoxy Sculpt ...I'm going to send you links to them.... for inspiration if no gourds are available when you need your next fairy chair......

  6. love this post - all of the flowers are beautiful and wow on that gourd seat...so clever. I tried the link but it said it didn't exist (darn). I'll try again.


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